Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Syracuse Crunch: Games to Gun For

Syracuse Crunch's Favorite Activity
Creative Commons: CMBfoto
Games to gun for will go over specific games and opponents fans might want to see. Criteria are based upon AHL rivalries, fun teams to watch in the AHL and regional rivalries between the local NHL teams. Consider it a guide for casual fans to know how to get the biggest bang for their buck.

The Crunch have a bit of a reputation as being big fighters. Or at least the numbers paint that. This is in large contrast to their affiliate, the Tampa Bay lightning which is perhaps better known as a high skill, finesse team. Perhaps its just a matter of location, Tampa Bay is far removed from upstate New York, where the fans tend to me more... well... passionate. (The nice way of saying drunk.) Unlike other AHL teams where Big Brother can help play a role in the rivalries, the Crunch are all alone where they are, meaning their rivalries are pure AHL.

Home opener: October 17
Opponent: Binghamton Senators
The Crunch start the season on the road against the Phantoms, but come home not to shortly after. Luckily its only one week, and one game so they should be plenty rested for a match against a divisional rival. Stay thirsty Syracuse, bring the heat and be ready to fight.

1. Rochester Americans
There are a few reasons why this team is the top of the list. The first is they are a divisional rival. Rochester is also a historical AHL team. Finally, Buffalo Sabres are their affiliate. Oh, and the bonus, the team the Crunch have the most fights against? Americans. The ten times they face off against eachother, including the five times at home should have something for everyone, from the NHL fans, to the local AHL fans, casual or hardcore. 

2. St. Johns Ice Caps
This a divisional rival and a Buffalo Sabres rival (And Tamba Bay Psuedo-rival) through the Montreal Canadiens. Granted the fight numbers are a little lower, I'm sure that just means the Crunch will need to catch up as they aim for number one fight total. They face of four times at home, eight times total.

3. Binghamton Senators
Really, most of the teams from upstate New York are going to be great rivals, the Senators meet ten times, five at each arena, Oh, and number 2 in the total fight count.

4. Toronto Marlies
Toronto is a good rival to both the Sabres and the Crunch. Its a nice middle of the pack rivalry, not too many fights but enough. Think of the Marlies as the team you see when maybe you want to see a decent hockey game without a fight, well, then the four home games against the Marlies might be a good chance.

5. Bridgeport Sound Tigers
I bet you were thinking I was going to go with the sensible choice, the safe choice if you will, and say the Albany Devils? You were wrong. Instead I went with the out of division team that they only play once at home. Why? One reason: Fights. In 2014 The Bridgeport Sound Tigers lead the league in fights, Syracuse was second. Bridgeport and Syracuse have frequently been at or near the top. So for two games this year, you have the biggest fighters in the league all together. 

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