Saturday, September 19, 2015

Syracuse Crunch and Donald Trump

What the hell did I just watch...

Some sites are calling this a challenge or fighting words, in which case the Crunch are looking to get an early start on their season. Frankly, I would rather call it what this is: Lame. It's amateur showboating to challenge the guy who's such a master showboater the only way he could up his game was to run for president. This whole thing reeks of Jackie Moon wrestling a bear. The worst part is it could have been so much better.

The AHL is spending so much time retreading old Will Farrell bits, and making jokes that are landing way too early and way too late. Come on AHL, you can do better. I know the worst  advice I can give is to say "Be funny" but dammit, be funny AHL. The challenge wasn't nearly bold enough, not outrageous enough.

Take a lesson from 50 Cent on how to do it right, or better yet, take a lesson from me...

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