Friday, September 18, 2015

Albany Devils: Games to Gun for

Games to gun for will go over specific games and opponents fans might want to see. Criteria are based upon AHL rivalries, fun teams to watch in the AHL and regional rivalries between the local NHL teams. Consider it a guide for casual fans to know how to get the biggest bang for their buck.

Creative Commons: James DiBianco
Since moving from Lowell, the Albany Devils have only made the play-offs once. And they got knocked out in the first round. So if you're in Albany, the Devils might not be the biggest rally-horn for you. You might be more interested in the other teams around you. Seriously, Bridgeport has more playoff appearances since the move. If Bridgeport is the Cleaveland Browns of the AHL, Albany would be the Jaguars. Which means they should try to be hungry to compete, though in the words of Homer Simpson, "Trying is the first step towards failure."

Home Opener: 10/24
Opponent: Portland Pirates
Albany might have the roughest of the rough in terms of schedules this year. Not necessarily because of opponents, though there should be plenty of good competition, but because their home opener is a non-divisional opponent two weeks into the season. It's as though they decided, "Well, we don't play at home the ninth or tenth, let's just not play at home. This may help them later down the stretch but it doesn't feel like a home opener, and shouldn't be treated as such.

As I said in my Bridgeport Sound Tigers Games to Gun For Everyone. Everyone is a rival because you need to take that first step and over take one person to have a rivalry. Albany won't be showing up on anybody else's list in this division (outside of recommendations to see an easy win) mostly because they haven't been competitive, so they have to prove me wrong and make it worth it.

1. Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Am I reading the schedule right? Do the Albany Devils face the Sound Tigers, a non-divisional opponent eight times? Eight? The reason you want to see these games, its a comedy of errors. Two teams perennially ranked last in their divisions facing off. If there ever was a race for last place in the league, these two are top competitors. It's the toilet bowl, eight times. It almost makes me want to re-rank the Sound Tigers Opponents.

2. Syracuse Crunch
This team is the only divisional hold over from last year for the Albany Devils. Plus its a play off team, so its always good to unseat a team you know to be competitive. As a bonus, both the Sound Tigers and the Crunch led the league in fights last year. There is a good chance you will see one by targeting any of these match ups. They see each other eight times.

3. Utica Comets
They face off eight times, and of all the divisional rivals, they are the most highly skilled, placing second in the league in points last year. If there is anyone you want to take out, its the guy at the top and a Pyrrhic victory is still a form of victory.

4. St. Johns Ice Caps
I may be ragging on the Devils for being perrenial losers, but in the conference standings they had ten game points over the Ice caps. Granted that was the old Ice Caps, but if nothing ever really changes, then these eight games might be the best chance to see a win. Some how I doubt it, the new Ice Caps affiliate tends to be pretty good.

5. Binghamton Senators
They face off an odd nine(?) times and haven't changed dramatically since last year. When I talk about how comparable hockey means entertaining and watchable hockey, this is what I mean. These two teams are probably the best match up as far as comparability goes and your best chance at seeing a nice pair of evenly matched teams go at it.

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