Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rochester Americans: Games to Gun for

Games to gun for will go over specific games and opponents fans might want to see. Criteria are based upon AHL rivalries, fun teams to watch in the AHL and regional rivalries between the local NHL teams. Consider it a guide for casual fans to know how to get the biggest bang for their buck.

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As I have mentioned before, the Rochester Americans are a historical AHL team. This year they are celebrating their 60th anniversary as a franchise. They have six Calder Cups, one for every decade the franchise has been around, however its been exactly a decade since they've seen more than one opponent in the post season. This is certainly a trend the Sabres Affiliate would hope to amend. Making the playoffs is nice and all, but its also nice to make it past your first round. Fun fact, Rochester, Utica, Hershey, Milwaukee, Iowa, Binghamton, Portland, Manitoba and San Antonio are all older than their NHL counterparts. Hartford Wolf Pack was founded the same year as the Rangers, along with a few other expansion teams that formed the same year as their affiliate. That means greater than 1/3 of the AHL is as old, if not older than their NHL team. For a league as volatile as the AHL, that says a lot about both the NHL and the AHL...

Home opener: October 9
Opponent: Lake Erie Monsters
Analysis: The Amerks open up their historic season at home against a non-divisional opponent. This is what eats me up on the inside. I think the opening game of the season, one where the team will be celebrating opening its 60th year would be so important and should be a game you go to. However...

1. Utica Comets
This is by far the superior match up. Utica is one of the teams I consider to be an original six team, and the salt in the wound is that they play the next night. It's such a huge oversight and a flaw in the schedule that it actually upsets me. I'm sad that the Americans don't get to open against the best opponent, a historical AHL match up, for their historical season. I'm very tempted to say, no, that game against the Monsters is just an exhibition match and this is the true home opener. Blow off game one, and make Game 2 the true start to your season. Then watch as the comets face off eleven more times (five at home for the Americans). Help make the season special by watching two teams who have been around for a long time face off.

2.  St. Johns Ice Caps
Follow up that history with more History. St. Johns has been around for a while too you know. And to make that sweeter, they are the Canadiens affiliate. Even more history, and an NHL rival of the Sabres. History, passion, and competition are the three magic words that make hockey be beautiful. See them at home up to four times, or travel to see them all eight.

3. Syracuse Crunch
Another one of my AHL original six opponents makes the list! They meet ten times, five of those will be at home. As I talked about on the Crunch games to gun for blog, expect fights.

4. 5. 6. Hershey Bears, Hartford Wolf Pack, Springfield Falcons
I'm going off the beaten path a bit here, and for the rest of the blog. Normally I would say, make it about the division rivalries, but I think in a historic season, getting to see historic opponents outweigh that true blue rivalry. Sure, you can have a good time watching them go up against Albany, ect, but as I mentioned before and could rehash my original six blog, make these games a priority. They face the Bears once at home, Hartford twice at home, Falcons once at home.

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