Monday, October 12, 2015

Unrelated: LUEser

This is published post #42. For those of you who don't know, this number is very important. It is the answer to life the universe and everything. As to what the question is, nobody really knows.

Creative Commons: Darla
This is the point in time where I recommend Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, either the book or the radio broadcast, not the movie. So rarely does one find a piece of literature so optimistic and joyful while being entrenched in nhilistic absurdist philosophy (save for maybe Vonnegut, but even still he's much darker). At least as optimistic and joyful a book can be while still having earth destroyed within the first hundred or so pages.

The book series is chaos theory start to finish, where the random and the insanity get set to the march of Humanity. When humanity gets boiled down to its simplest form it gets exposed for how silly it all is. It's what good observational humor does and HHG2G has some of the best around. In it it explains why a miracle fish disproves god's existence by proving his existence, how the universe has a population of zero, and the importance of telephone sanitizers.

Is there a point to this blog other than me saying to read a book series I've been enthralled with since a kid? No. Do I wish I could do a better tribute to it? Yes. But sometimes I just need to let  it be.

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