Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sound Tigers: The Dark Horse Emerges

Bridgeport Sound Tigers haven't really been competitive the past few years. They've posted a fair amount of last place finishes in their division and so this year they have a lot to prove. A lot. To be honest, it makes this a little bit harder for me to determine what rivalries will be fun, what team prospects would you like to see and to be honest, I don't really know?When you are at rock bottom, you have to make it through everybody, so everyone is your biggest rival.


That was from my Games to Gun For post for the Bridgeport Sound Tigers. I don't know if they read it, but if they did, they certainly took it to heart. The Sound Tigers are off to a great start. They are on top of the Eastern Conference with the most games played. They got five wins to the one start, and save for Ontario and San Diego who only have played five games between the two of them, the Sound Tigers have the best win percentage in the entire AHL. They have a goal differential of +6, beating high seeded teams like the Penguins, the Ice Caps, and the Providence Bruins twice, back to back. Their only loss was to the Atlantic divisions number 2 seed.

The Sound Tigers trying out their new look.

This is a team that is starting everything off on the right foot, and while its still really early in the season, I'm buying stock now. The Falcons look kinda like crap. Ok, a lot like crap. so my initial dark horse candidate? Yeah. Shame because I buy a lot into the history and want Springfield to have something to cheer for. But the perennial losers fighting to win a championship? I can buy that tripe and have. Many, many times.

This is the story I want to sell this season. A feel good story the AHL can promote and use to draw attention. Ice caps, Hartford? Penguins? Potential villains from villainous organizations with curly mustaches and greedy sneers as they look down on the common fold of Bridgeport Connecticut, a troubled town with the noisy neighbors of Gun Wavin' New Haven who always stops by to mess up the place. Its a town that needs hope. That hope is a hockey team that captures the heart of not just the locals but of the nation as well... Where were you in the Bridgeport miracle championship run of 2015? Right there with them... And then the next year, right back to last place with them. Can't screw up too much of a good thing.

That or they just start strong and blow it in the stretch. Either way, its a fun story. Their next two games are going to be games to watch, with back to back match ups against the Ice Caps. St. Johns is a tough opponent whom they already played once, and now they will have them on the road, back to back, in the middle nowhere in a town with nothing but its minor league hockey team. This will be a good chance to continue with their statement and show that they are the team to beat this year and that they won't settle for last in the division this year.

PS. This doesn't change anything in regards to the River Rats (Albany Devils) or what I said about Bridgeport needing to make everyone a rival. There's still plenty of time to finish last, and they still need to play hungry. They still are a team with 4 joke banners until they get their first real one.

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