Saturday, October 24, 2015

Unrelated: The Importance of Gender in Horror

I am a HUGE movie buff, and particularly am a fan of horror. Part of the reason I'm not blogging every day right now is because of how much time I'm contributing to my annual horror fest. (Really, with local Frank Vatrano, the Moose and Falcons winless, you would think I would be talking more about that, but no...)

One of the big things in modern horror has been the gender politics. Really, its one of the more interesting things about the genre. That and the fact that the heroes are often the villains, and that often horror is just dark comedy in disguise, but that can be different discussions. 

Early on, monster movies were predominantly male driven, often science fiction with damsels in distress, then as we all know the story, Halloween came on to the scene (Though more accurately, Black Christmas and Texas Chainsaw Massacre,) and the Slasher genre was born. Halloween did a lot right, and it set the pace for a formula that would be come the standard about two years later when the Slasher boom was on with Friday the 13th and Prom Night honing in on that formula. More surprising, it became the genre standard even beyond slashers. See: Alien

If we start breaking down a lot of the hit horror movies post Halloween, there is no doubt a huge trend towards the "Final Girl" trope. The Final Girl trope is the trope horror has built its name on now, but it is the house bad horror is built upon. Let's take a look at some of the more successful modern horror titles since and see if the trend can hold.:

Nightmare on Elm Street: 2 Male, 2 Female, Female hero
Evil Dead: 3 Female, 2 Male, Male hero
Faculty: 3 female, 3 male, male hero
Alien: 2 female, 5 male, female hero, male top-billed
Hellraiser: 2 female, 2 male, female hero
The Thing: All male cast
Final Destination: Male hero in one, female in two.
Scream: 3 female, 4 male, female hero

Am I cherry picking a bit? Probably, but the point is good horror isn't necessarily built on the trope. When it is a female lead, it isn't usually a ditz either. Nancy in Nightmare reads up on self defense and home built traps. Ripley is a tough, often by the books co-captain who almost prevents the Xenomorph from ever getting on the ship.

Again, all well known, why is this important?

We are out of the slasher era and moving into an era dictated by remakes (and a huge influx of found footage films). Two films on that list above, The Thing and Evil Dead have shifted the gender of their heroes and cast from male heroes to female heroes and its sexist. Let me revise that, the final girl trope is sexist as a whole. Ok, digging myself deeper. Why don't I just let Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard explain for me:

"The virgin's death is optional, as long as it's last. The main thing is that she suffers."
-Cabin in the Woods

The way Hollywood utilizes the Final Girl trope isn't about empowering female, or writing smart women in general. It's about victimizing women for our entertainment. On top of it, its usually a sign of lazy writing. The Thing reboot was exhibit A. They threw a female lead in there because of genre expectations. Male characters can also be poorly written, but aren't usually subjected to the same psycho-sexual torture female characters are subjected to. (Alien being a great exception and example of this since John Hurt is more or less a rape victim in it, plus phallic Alien. It's kinda a movie about a rape victim beating rape, but not a la I Spit on Your Grave.) 

Furthermore, in order to defeat a monster in a horror movie, characters have to over come their flaws and weaknesses. That is what makes a good character in any movie, and by extension a good movie. Male characters often are put in their situation because of transgressions. See: Saw. Female characters are in their situation usually because they're female. Usually an initial encounter is escaped through luck. The flaw they have to overcome is being female. (Halloween was a little guilty of this too.) That isn't good writing, it isn't good horror. 

Again, I don't want all male led horror movies. I want horror to take off the training wheels and understand that it can utilize gender better for the messages in its movies, and be real horror. Good horror as gender balance and when it does it right it is perhaps the most progressive genre. It is frustrating to see how all the examples listed above could get it correct, and then they feed it it into the money machine, it changes around  and remove that balance, or not see that it has to exist. 

Is it really something that is all too important? Not really, silly movies usually. But hey, it's tropes, trends, and something worth noticing and thinking about. The more the audience thinks, the better our movies can get. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sound Tigers: The Dark Horse Emerges

Bridgeport Sound Tigers haven't really been competitive the past few years. They've posted a fair amount of last place finishes in their division and so this year they have a lot to prove. A lot. To be honest, it makes this a little bit harder for me to determine what rivalries will be fun, what team prospects would you like to see and to be honest, I don't really know?When you are at rock bottom, you have to make it through everybody, so everyone is your biggest rival.


That was from my Games to Gun For post for the Bridgeport Sound Tigers. I don't know if they read it, but if they did, they certainly took it to heart. The Sound Tigers are off to a great start. They are on top of the Eastern Conference with the most games played. They got five wins to the one start, and save for Ontario and San Diego who only have played five games between the two of them, the Sound Tigers have the best win percentage in the entire AHL. They have a goal differential of +6, beating high seeded teams like the Penguins, the Ice Caps, and the Providence Bruins twice, back to back. Their only loss was to the Atlantic divisions number 2 seed.

The Sound Tigers trying out their new look.

This is a team that is starting everything off on the right foot, and while its still really early in the season, I'm buying stock now. The Falcons look kinda like crap. Ok, a lot like crap. so my initial dark horse candidate? Yeah. Shame because I buy a lot into the history and want Springfield to have something to cheer for. But the perennial losers fighting to win a championship? I can buy that tripe and have. Many, many times.

This is the story I want to sell this season. A feel good story the AHL can promote and use to draw attention. Ice caps, Hartford? Penguins? Potential villains from villainous organizations with curly mustaches and greedy sneers as they look down on the common fold of Bridgeport Connecticut, a troubled town with the noisy neighbors of Gun Wavin' New Haven who always stops by to mess up the place. Its a town that needs hope. That hope is a hockey team that captures the heart of not just the locals but of the nation as well... Where were you in the Bridgeport miracle championship run of 2015? Right there with them... And then the next year, right back to last place with them. Can't screw up too much of a good thing.

That or they just start strong and blow it in the stretch. Either way, its a fun story. Their next two games are going to be games to watch, with back to back match ups against the Ice Caps. St. Johns is a tough opponent whom they already played once, and now they will have them on the road, back to back, in the middle nowhere in a town with nothing but its minor league hockey team. This will be a good chance to continue with their statement and show that they are the team to beat this year and that they won't settle for last in the division this year.

PS. This doesn't change anything in regards to the River Rats (Albany Devils) or what I said about Bridgeport needing to make everyone a rival. There's still plenty of time to finish last, and they still need to play hungry. They still are a team with 4 joke banners until they get their first real one.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Who to watch, Second Saturday

Saturday means a huge slate of games. Tonight we have Albany at Toronto, Phantoms and Baby Pens, Wild against the Monsters, Amerks and Ice Caps, Providence and Bridgeport in their second back to back, San Antonio and the Griffins Utica at Hartford, Hershey at Portland, Senators at Syracuse, Charlotte at Chicago, Reign at the Moose in their second back to back, Texas at Rockford, And San Jose and Bakersfield.

It is a heavy, heavy slate today, and some really good games, who to keep an eye on?

1. Bridgeport and Providence
Last night was a decent match and Bridgeport remains undefeated. Providence will be looking for a good shot to be the one to deliver that blow after Providence got their first non-overtime loss of the season. Providence has been playing it tight and Bridgeport has too, expect this one to be close and well fought as the dark horse that is the Sound Tigers steam ahead.

2. Senators and Crunch
Both teams are looking to make and early impact this season after they have their first win no losses. I think both teams are capable of competing in the long haul so this early match up could help set the pace for either of these teams.

3. Charlotte at Chicago
Probably the best match up tonight, They are one and two in the central division, both are strong contenders, and Charlotte is undefeated, but its back to back for both teams, and Chicago has home advantage. I expect this to be a very competitive game, hopefully a bit chippy, and hopefully one that hockey fans will enjoy.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Post Game: Hartford Wolfpack and Providence Bruins

I also listened to the Falcons, Sound Tigers game the night before, and was ready to recap, but long story short, Springfield seems to be getting better, but not better enough quickly. Bridgeport meanwhile is on a roll. Just my luck, everyone has to prove me wrong. Both games were the only one for that night, so they were able to get a lot of attention.

Hartford Wolfpack: 4 (OT)
Providence Buins: 3

The game was really tightly contested. Nobody maintained a lead very long, as each opponent seemed to Hulk out the moment they went down. It led to a span of very quick goals towards the end of the second. Three of the five goals scored in the second period coming within a span of 90 seconds in the final 3 minutes of play. The announcers couldn't even get through half of a goal scorers name before another one was scored. It was like the last five minutes everyone decided to pull their goalies and play with open nets. That was before a tough third with lots of chances for both sides stifled by great goalie play.

Bruins force another OT. McIntyre has been allowing more goals than his first loss, but he's been making the right plays when needed and seems to be playing better when the stakes are there. Unfortunately once the Providence Bruins get down to 3 on 3 they aren't as effective, and a dumb hooking penalty at the end gave the WolfPack a man advantage necessary to secure the winning goal. Hopefully though, the Providence Bruins can correct this, and managed longer than their first power play outing. 

Who also is playing well? Frank Vatrano, a kid from East Longmeadow who grew up watching the Bruins and Springfield Falcons, and after a stint in Umass Ahmerst was recruited to the very organization he grew up loving. He's young, has a quick release, was named AHL player of the week for the opening week, and already has scored six goals over his first three games, including the one that forced overtime in the matchup against the baby pens. If he keeps this up, he may not be in Providence for long. I would hope not since he still needs some time to develop, and could hone in on some defensive skills.

As for the Wolfpack, they also played a great game. Their goalie Helberg made crucial saves, 37 total shots were taken against him and he held strong. Does the power play still suck? Yeah, they didn't get a power play goal until over time, making them 1-10 for the season. Tambellinni, their center seemed determined to break the streak in the 4-3 gift from Providence, taking shot after shot until he finally snuck one by McIntyre. It was a hell of an individual effort that rewarded the Wolfpack with their first win. 

Providence faces the 3-0 Soundtigers (?!?) next at home this friday, with a rematch in Bridgeport Saturday and Hartford plays Utica at home Saturday in a matchup between the former Springfield Indians and the former Providence Reds. AHL original six like I keep talking about.

Tonight's games are late night western affairs, with a game between the Ontario Reign visiting the Manitoba Moose and the San Jose Sharks visiting the Stockton Heat. I will try to listen to one, maybe.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Good, Bad, Ugly: Opening Weeked

Providence Bruins, Rochester Americans, Bridgeport Soundtigers, Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins goaltending, Toronto Marlies

The most surprising of this is the Bridgeport Soundtigers. They come out swinging with 2-0 start, looking to prove me wrong I guess. Providence Bruins also had a pretty good start, 1-0-1 with an overtime loss. They had a strong first outing against a tough goalie and kept with it. Penguins goalie also was strong that first match, though they dropped their second game in their opening weekend back to back.  Finally, Rochester set up their opening weekend to their 60th season right with two wins, and Marlies won back to back against Manitoba.

Manitoba Moose, Hartford Wolfpack, Lake Erie/Rochester game

Manitoba dropped both games against the Marlies, off to an 0-2 start. Hartford loses a game against St. John's that they should have managed. Perhaps its a step back for the Wolfpack? I already detailed why I thought the Rochester Lake Erie game was a mess...

Ugly: Springfield Falcons
I did a recap of this already, but none of that looked pretty. I hope they clean it up.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Unrelated: LUEser

This is published post #42. For those of you who don't know, this number is very important. It is the answer to life the universe and everything. As to what the question is, nobody really knows.

Creative Commons: Darla
This is the point in time where I recommend Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, either the book or the radio broadcast, not the movie. So rarely does one find a piece of literature so optimistic and joyful while being entrenched in nhilistic absurdist philosophy (save for maybe Vonnegut, but even still he's much darker). At least as optimistic and joyful a book can be while still having earth destroyed within the first hundred or so pages.

The book series is chaos theory start to finish, where the random and the insanity get set to the march of Humanity. When humanity gets boiled down to its simplest form it gets exposed for how silly it all is. It's what good observational humor does and HHG2G has some of the best around. In it it explains why a miracle fish disproves god's existence by proving his existence, how the universe has a population of zero, and the importance of telephone sanitizers.

Is there a point to this blog other than me saying to read a book series I've been enthralled with since a kid? No. Do I wish I could do a better tribute to it? Yes. But sometimes I just need to let  it be.

Post Game: Hershey Bears vs Springfield Falcons

That got ugly quick.

Eddie Shore would not be happy.

But first things first. It is clear that the Falcons bought into providing a better presentation this year. They have a new jumbotron that looks like it takes up half the ice. It is beautiful and all to often I found myself looking at it as the glass was rattling six inches away from my face. They are giving fans every reason they possible could to buy into this product, taking the jump and the leap that are light years superior to products of the past.

Well, in terms of presentation that is...
Massive new Jumbotron

Springfield had a good start to the game. Puck handling was a little sloppy all around, but it was comparable hockey, and it could have just been the condition of the ice. The first major problem was a blown 5-3 that the Falcons couldn't capitalize on. Neither team could capitalize on any of their 5-3 power plays. There were 3-4 of them so special situations defense was strong or offense was weak.

What was really weak was Springfield goal tending. In the first period, Springfield goalie Truetle looked way out of his league and definitely not ready for the start. Springfield has a new coach for the AHL this year, maybe he thought a new untested goalie might bring a spark to the new team? Whatever the reason, Truetle looked unready, posting a save percentage of .833 % on thirty shots, but a lot of soft goals with clear lanes and looks.

After one period the Falcons were already down 2-1, with a good goal on a 2 on 1 break away that gave me confidence about the Falcons maybe coming back and making it competitive, but then period 2 happened. I don't think the Falcons got a single puck on net. They got chippy and got dumb penalties. In that period they did manage to kill off one of the 5-3s but, ooh, ugly. Two more goals with no answer.
Falcons Celebrate their only goal

It didn't seem like the Falcons were communicating. They were banking pucks with nobody knowing where they were going. They tried to break through the blue line by passing into the areas of tightest coverage, or carry it over themselves when open guys could have had an easier time. The ice didn't help, a lot of slipping and falling but there was much to improve upon.

The Bears however proved why they were part of the class of the AHL. Their 5-3 defense was astounding. They played nice and tight, didn't chase and didn't let grant many opportunities. They were disruptive in the neutral zone. It's always hard determining credit or blame in a game this lop-sided. Maybe the Bears are just that good, or maybe the Falcons are just that bad this year, its hard to tell. Springfield might be in for a long year.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Who to Watch: Opening Night Pt. 2

So tonight is opening night for the rest of the league. After last night's mixed results there are a lot more options to check out tonight.

On the slate: Moose and Marlies, Falcons and Bears Baby Pens and Sound Tigers, Amerks and Comets, Ice Caps and Wolfpack, Crunch and Phantoms, Devils and Senators, Checkers and Wild, Admirals and Wolves. Rampage and Stars, Reign and Condors, Griffins and Gulls, Icehogs and Heat.

A lot of games, with Moose and Marlies going back to back after a decent game last night. Icehogs and Amerks also coming off of a win. Top three games in no particular order:

3. Hershey Bears at Springfield Falcons
Get ready Springfield, your new look Falcons should be more competitive. I will be there live at the game providing the in depth coverage all two of my readers expect of me. Keep an eye on this game by following me on twitter, @dmenty17.

2. Rochester Americans and Utica Comets
Comets have had a meteoric rise, so the question is can the Amerks follow up their home opening win with another against a stronger opponent. Plus, the Amerks radio broadcasters are pretty entertaining. Might be worth a listen just to hear them babble on.

1. Grand Rapids Giffins and San Diego Gulls
Both have pretty talented big brothers. In the past the Griffins were pretty good, and the AHL affiliate for the Ducks, not as much. However, the Gulls did pretty good in the lower prospect leagues. The big questions are if the Gulls are going to pull in the numbers and gain the energy to help make them more competitive in the new market. Hockey isn't new to the city, but now its a bigger hockey stage. I wanna see how the new energy and uniforms translate to their performance.

PS. Screw you Condors. It's you and the Wolfpack that are my rock-bottom most hated teams. I hope you lose all your games. You know what you did.

Recap: Opening Night Double Header

So, for opening night I kept my eye on two games adequately enough for full recaps. Lucky readers, its a two for the price of one, providing you guys insight into the operation of maybe teams. What a bargain!

So, let's start with the dumpster fire.

Rochester Americans: 6
Lake Erie Monsters: 3

Heading into this game, the biggest question on my mind was, "Who, pray, who was going to win the intermission Hot Dog Race?!?" My money was on Red Hot, with no bun to slow him down like White Hot, nor the tired stoner eyes seen on Beer Brat, and look that screams, "I'm ready to go!" Alas, I was wrong.

Curse you White Hot! Curse you!

If I had a second question, it would be if the Amerks could start off their historic season strong, and they got the win. Not just the win but the first goal of the season. The team celebrating their 60th anniversary in the league celebrating its 80th gets the first goal of the season? Only thing more poetic would be if it were the championship, but I'm not jumping on that bandwagon yet..

After the first period, Amerks had a commanding lead and were playing well, and then in the second period they forgot how to play and let the Monsters catch up. From there on out it was turnovers, dumb penalties, and generally sloppy play.  Rochester could be optimistic about the fact they had a hat trick in game 1, and their goalie has a save percentage of .921 for the first game, but if they want to improve I would have to hope they improve on the mistakes. Also, they might not be as lucky if they continue to allow 38 shots on goal, and not spend more time in the offensive zone, but a win is a win.  One where they started strong and ended strong at least. That said, it came at a cost as Center Phil Varone was either ejected or left with injury after committing and unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

If you're a Lake Erie fan however, I would be concerned about your goaltender. .783 save percentage against 23 shots. Really soft goals too. Lake Erie also made some bad mistakes. There were a lot of penalties. It was a lot of time in the offensive end, but not much to show for it.

I thought it was a sloppy game all around, but hey, mistakes balance out.

Now what I thought was the better game.

Wilkes-Barre-Scranton Penguins: 2 (OT)
Providence Bruins: 1

This isn't to say there was sloppy play, but it was compensated with two outstanding goalie performances. Each team had over 40 shots on goal. The baby pens were so close to a fantastic shut out when the Baby Bs tied it up with less than two minutes to go. Crucial timing, and then...

Bruins lost. Like immediately starting overtime.

Bruins as an NHL organization have this habit, one really good period, one really bad one and have a terrible power play.. The baby Bs were really strong in the first period, dominating, but let a goal slip by in the second, and couldn't capitalize on any of their power plays. While the Baby B's were more consistant, they definitely are built in Big Brother's mold, for better or worse. What is encouraging is that their goalie is off to a relatively good start and if that level of play continues, Zane McIntyre might end up jumping over Subban in regards to who the Bruins can deal for prospects.

The Baby Pens did get the win, despite the penalties and their goal tender also impressed, Matt Murray is entering his second season and has been a dominant goalie in the league since being pulled up. While I don't think either the goalies are in a race to replace either Rask or Andre-Flurry, both are setting their teams up for strong goal tending futures.

Plus there was a pretty good fight in this game. I said it when I did the Providence Bruins games to gun for preview, it was going to be a great game and I'm sure if you went you were not disappointed. I mean outside of the fact the home team lost.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Who to Watch: Opening night

Wow, it's October. #isitoctoberyet is finally done.

Remember 15 blogs in 17 days? Ha ha ha ha. Past two weeks have sucked. But hockey is here and it's time to get excited for minor league hockey!

Anyway, for opening night, providence hopes to get a better start to the season than big brother did against Wilkes Barre. You got the marlies vs the moose in a non division match up. Monsters and amerks. Rockford and San Jose, griffins and condors.  What games should you pay attention to? My top 3 in no order.

3. Wilkes Barre and Providence.
It's a division game where the teams are rivals at all levels. It is going to be interesting to see how they handle the division moves and see If the hate can be building.

2. Lake Erie and Rochester
I wanna see how Rochester handles opening the season at home for their historic season.  Probably the game I'm going to be keeping an eye on the most due to where its scheduled
1. Rockford and San Jose
Sharks and blackhawks have been great teams over the past 10 years or so, and a lot of that comes from roster depth and development. Probably the best match up. With the new team location, I want to see San Jose justify their new team and show me that San Jose deserves more hockey.