Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why should the AHL matter to you...

...and more importantly me.

There are a few big things on why these teams are important I want to touch on before I start handling news aspects in depth. These are the reasons I think the AHL could be interesting to me, and potentially others.

1. Local economy.
This one is regional specific. I live in the Hartford-Springfield area where a good majority of people love the Bruins while mourning the loss of the Whalers, I am a 20 minute drive rivalry drive away from the Falcons and the Wolfpack. Most interesting aspect of this to me is that AHL headquarters is located in Springfield, so now that the AHL is doing their own hall of fame inductees (Since 2006, More on that in a later blog) means that Springfield is the historical epicenter for guns and sports. (Take that Canton!) Make no mistake, if you live in Western Mass, or Connecticut, the AHL should matter to you because it does bring in a certain level of business and the best way to help it is to encourage its growth.

Even if you don't live in Western Mass, or CT, local teams can help grow local economy. Even at a third of the draw, that is tax money that is going to help the state and the region with better access to resources. By getting people more interested in local teams, you are helping assisting regional growth and...

2. Local Pride
What really is more galvanizing than sports?


This point is simple enough. With a strong enough interest in local minor league teams, then there is a chance for a source of local pride and unity that you may not be as accessible for NHL or other teams. While some AHL teams may be competing with NHL teams (another blog, another day) the ones that don't deserve your attention to help unify the community towards a greater competitive cause. Also, if you live that close to a local team, consider yourself lucky because its at least a level of professional sports. Some areas of the country only have high school football to look forward to.

3. Farm System
If you're a fan of the NHL, you should be keeping a very close eye on your AHL affiliate. They have your prospects that may get you a big name player in a trade or get called up to your team to fill in for an injured player. Its a chance to get an eye on the people who may make up your team in the future and their success in the AHL can help determine your NHL teams future. I've seen beat writers cover Pawtucket with immense scrutiny out of love of the Red Sox; the AHL is a fantastic gauge for talent. Expect a lot of these blogs, particularly as it pertains to the the Providence/Boston Bruins.

4. Beats Netflix
It's getting easier and easier to be a vegetable these days. Going to the games is good fun. It's a good chance to get kids into sports, or sports spectating. And even then, last AHL game I went to, they served beers, so if you get your heart into it, it can be similar to watching an NHL game. But how? Similar skill levels mean that while the playing style isn't elite, teams are comparable to each other. More depth, another blog, but long story short, the players know enough of what they're doing that a minor error that might be noticed at the NHL level won't be be noticed at the AHL level because it won't lead to the same consequences.

That is a brief summary of the 4 main points. There are more arguments I'm sure but this is still an introductory phase and I want to get out of these blogs and to the real meat of the blog soon enough. Not these Ra-Ra novels. I'll sprinkle in think pieces throughout for sure, but for now, I want to get to analysis and commentary. I'm gonna try to go full out for Monday. Watch out AHL, I'm coming for you...

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