Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Are The Falcons Redeemable?

I've been pretty busy lately, but I have been keeping my eye on a few things. Most notably the Springfield Falcons because, well, they're local. (#yourtownyourteam) They have won their last 3 after an overtime loss got them over the .000% hump. They have moved up over Portland  and have only played eight games. Granted its a shorter season and eight games is a lot more than what its worth in the NHL, but its still less than most on the leader board. If they maintain the momentum, they could end their first 10 above .500, something entirely possible given that they face the bottom seeded Portland Pirates followed by the Soundtigers whom they already beat the next night.

What is impressive is the shift in momentum. Following that over time loss to the Baby Pens, Springfield has out scored opponents 16-4. Its becoming an outright domination spree the past three games. Granted the opponents they have won against were a .500 Rochester team, a (barely) sub .500 team, and the Bridgeport Dark Horses. While they don't seem to be topping the front-runners per-say, they are pretty good middle of the pack teams. They are showing there is a lot to be optimistic about, but need to demonstrate more. If they can hand Bridgeport another loss in their building on a back to back night, Then it should be a good sign they are going to claw their way out of it.

Falcons will be an interesting story. They have a first year coach and looked abysmal in their first few games, getting absolutely dominated at home. Part of me thinks the organization is working on damage control to try to get the fans back in it. Mass Mutual was nuts opening day. The Falcons only scored two goals in their first three games at home and that does have an effect on a fan base, and in this league, it seems like a team doing poorly can be easily forgotten. The games are over AM radio in a city where AM stations don't carry. If the Falcons sustain this, will the fans come back? If the fans don't come back will the Falcons sustain their excellence?

The Falcons are close to redeeming the season, but what they need might not come soon enough. What they need is a statement game. They have some tomato cans lined up, and some above .500 teams they will be facing too, but nothing more impressive than Bridgeport. If they beat down the Soundtigers, I'll be watching, however, if they beat down the Wolfpack, in Hartford, in dominant fashion? That might get the whole city's interest.


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